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Alle tools der smart factory app mia

Smart Factory via App.

With the miaworkbench, we help to produce more efficiently by making factory data usable, providing information in real time and accelerating the problem-solving process – with the first Smart Factory OS.

mia Mehr Effizienz in der Fabrik

Work well organised and networked in the Smart Factory.

mia workbench logo

The miaworkbench combines all the important tools for a smart factory in one central platform. 

Digital tools included:

Alle tools der smart factory app mia
mia analytics Logo

Real-time evaluations from anywhere at the touch of a button.

Smart Factory mit miaanalytics: Analyse des Produktionsprozess Ihrer Fabrik Fertigung
in der Smart Factory App Benachrichtigungen bei Events erhalten
Intelligenter Echtzeit-Benachrichtigungen aus der Produktion

Instant notifications from production.

mia solutions Logo

Intelligent knowledge management to solve problems.

In der Smart Factory App von mia das Fabrikwissen managen.

And that's how simply Smart Factory works.

mia workbench tools zur Datensammlung




mia workbench tools zur Datenverarbeitung

Via miaquality and miadowntime, we digitise qualitative data and network it with digitally recorded machine, sensor and other system data.

The different types of data are networked and made usable for the entire team in the different applications of the miaworkbench.

mia Smart Factory Serienfertigung

No matter how big or small the factory is, mia always keeps track.

With mia, you maintain an overview at all times, even with complex process chains, short cycle times and large batch sizes. At the same time, mia takes over the prioritisation of problems.

mia App im Homeoffice benutzen

Whether home office or on site - always the production in view.

With mia, you can manage and control production from anywhere. It also makes collaboration between different departments easier and more structured.

Four steps and you can test mia 30 days free of charge.

Contact sales

Simply contact our team via form or e-mail and we will take care of the rest. Feel free to specify your preferred dates.

Get to know

Our team of experts will talk to you to understand the initial situation and tailor mia perfectly to your use case.


Together we develop the target state for your digital factory and define which functions help to manufacture more efficiently.


Within a week, we set up the miaworkbench together with the miaadmin, install the hardware and train your users.

¹ We can only realise the one-week implementation if the existing version of mia meets the requirements. For adaptations, new developments and new interfaces, the effort and the resulting duration must be estimated individually.

Let's talk about your Smart Factory.